All text, designs, illustrations and any other intellectual properties or comments associated with the Wolfopelli© brand are © 2019 by Earth Gypsy/Sue Ware.

Any artwork, rendering, product design, merchandise, or decorative applications, or interpretations of Wolfopelli are © by Sue Ware and are not to be duplicated in any form, written, sung, designed, or used in any media form including social media, internet media, email, or any electronic platform without express permission (in writing) from Earth Gypsy or Sue Ware.

THE WOLFOPELLI name, logo and all other related trademarks, characters, designs, and interpretations are TM  Sue Ware/Earth Gypsy.

Any and all Wolfopelli merchandise purchased on the Wolfopelli website will retain the copyrighted design/logo and may not be reproduced, altered, or placed on any other product other than the products available on the official Wolfopelli website and may not be replicated  in any form without written permission of Earth Gypsy/Sue Ware.

No part of the Wolfopelli brand may be preproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise, without express permission of Earth Gypsy/ Sue Ware.  For information regarding   permission of use please send a letter of intent with your contact information to: Earth Gypsy, Permission Department, P. O. Box 100280, Denver, CO 80250.

This disclaimer is binding and a breach by violators will be subject to legal action.