The legend of Wolfopelli was born in the spring of 2006 during a creative writing workshop at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico.  I was there as part of my doctoral dissertation course work and we were asked to walk away into the hills and write an essay on the meaning of symbolism in our lives, illustrate that symbol as an “icon” for future contemplation, and share with the group, later, how we would implement that image into our daily lives. While partaking of this opportunity I sat quietly, closed my eyes, listened to the “voice” and “music” of the surrounding desert, and opened my consciousness to any possibility that might arise…and in walked Wolfopelli in full regalia and carrying a flute…an instrument I think of as a symbol of calmness, beauty & personal power.

The desert has always been my “go to” place when my soul needs a “tune up” and when I need to find quiet, solace, and renewal from the chaos of living in the city of Denver.  Most people I know do not like the harshness of the desert or the dangerous plants, insects, reptiles, and animals that live there, but I find them beautiful, and I find the smaller desert wolf, the “Lobo”, a delightful animal, and a very efficient member of the Desert Southwest fauna. This animal is the ideological prototype for Wolfopelli; agile, smart, sassy, and mystical and Kokopelli, as the bringer of life, is the inspiration.

Wolves have always been one of my favorite animals and I find them fascinating, inspiring, mysterious, and powerful images of how life could be lived to the fullest every day. I relate to them on many levels. After years of studying, following, and attempting to understand them, I always find new and amazing things that I didn’t previously know.  Some Native American tribes believe that wolf is the Teacher, and in my experience, this is very true. In my current career I am a wolf researcher and over the years of learning from this animal, I am always amazed at what they have to teach me and show me about their place in the natural world. In Wolfopelli, I have found an image that symbolizes what the wolves have taught me and what I want to share with the chaotic world in which we live…the importance of caring for one another, strength, joy, the ability to live in the moment, and a sense of belonging. I can certainly think of many ways that the symbol of the Wolf enhances my life and I want to share this with others.

Although I am not Native American, I am drawn to that culture and especially to the area of the Desert Southwest. I have been going there for over 50 years. The imagery that I am familiar with, and which has played a great part in my personal iconography is the Southwest’s image of “Kokopelli”, the so called “hump-backed” flute playing figure associated with the cosmology of the ancient peoples of the Southwest.  My first trip, alone, to this area was when I was young, inexperienced, and chasing images of rock art, ancient architecture, and Kokopelli. I have hiked many trails in search of his image and have seen him represented in many forms, colors, places, and cultures. As I became more familiar with the area, I began to talk to Native people about Kokopelli and other aspects of their culture that I had begun to love so much.  I was blessed to have so many generous people willing to talk to me and teach me how to “see” rather than “look” at the images and to understand why Kokopelli and other representations were so important to the people. Kokopelli is still ingrained in me as a constant reminder of our connection to the Earth Mother and the importance of growth in our lives, via family, planting, learning, & ideas. He is also a prototype for the visual form  of Wolfopelli which is loosely based on his image. Unlike Kokopelli, however, I perceived Wolfopelli as both male and female…a balanced entity bringing the gift of music, peacefulness, joyful living, and clarity to us as we learn the lessons of life and ‘birth the music” that lives inside each of us.

As I sat among the rocks in that place called Ghost Ranch, I closed my eyes, breathed deeply, quieted myself, and as the combination of these elements coalesced into my psyche, Wolfopelli became a reality. Wolfopelli was “born” in my imagination and after many conversations with Diane, we knew that we wanted to share this image with the world.  Diane and I want Wolfopelli to be available for everyone’s personal enjoyment.

Wolfopelli is Playing the Rhythms of our Lives!


Sue and Diane

If you can hear it, if you can play it, or if you can dance it, music will feed your soul.


Create a life that makes you happy on the inside rather than what looks good to others on the outside.


Don’t be afraid to start over – it’s a new dance every time you create what you want – I will play the music, you perform the dance!


I make the music for the moment! Grab the moment and make it yours.
